We would like to invite any prospective families to join us for our Open Morning on Weds 23rd October 2024. Please telephone the School Office on 01653 628370 or email admin@slingsby.n-yorks.sch.uk to book your tour.

‘Slingsby Community Primary School is a small school with a big heart. This is a school with a real sense of community spirit. All adults and pupils look out for one another. Pupils are polite and respectful. At its core lies the Slingsby values: respect, honesty, resilience, expectations and caring for others. Parents and carers chose Slingsby because they value the quality of education that their children receive.’ Ofsted March 2020


Our aim is to ensure every one of our pupils is provided with creative and exciting learning opportunities to help them to develop a life-long love of learning.  We encourage our pupils to be questioning and follow their own lines of enquiry.

We pride ourselves on our traditional, family orientated values, and we believe that our kind and nurturing approach to school leads to happy children who are confident and resilient.

At Slingsby we have a very supportive governing body who give up their time voluntarily.  Our incredibly hard working FOSS team (Friends of Slingsby School) organise many events for the children and the community, including our very popular Summer Duck Race

It is important to our staff that, as a parent/carer, you feel welcome in the school. We believe that education is a partnership between home and school - with a shared responsibility based on trust and understanding.

The participation and co-operation of parents/carers at Slingsby CP is positively encouraged. A good relationship between school and home builds a child’s confidence, aids their learning and helps them to fulfil their potential in everything they do.

We are a happy, vibrant school where all children are given the opportunity of learning in a caring, stimulating environment.

Our welcome to you and your children is warm and ongoing; and we invite you as parents/carers to support and help us in our work. We operate an open door policy through which you may step at any time.

I am always willing to talk to parents at any mutual convenient time and look forward to meeting you.

Kind regards

Mr Leigh Smith

Head Teacher 

We are all guided by the Slingsby Values for Life: Respect, Honesty, Resilience, Expectations and Caring for Others


Learning today, leading tomorrow

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