
A Warm Welcome to Slingsby Community Primary School

Our school is at the heart of a wonderful community, in the picturesque village of Slingsby where we are fortunate to be blessed with wonderful children all eager to learn under the excellent guidance and support of our Head, Mr Leigh Smith and his team, alongside their parents/carers and families.  We have recently received our Ofsted Good accreditation which is a credit to all and shows all the amazing hard work, loyalty and commitment of the children, staff, parents and our community.  Thank you all.
Our regularly updated website is here for all to offer useful information about our school community. Here you will find (amongst many other things) our weekly newsletters, policies and procedures, term dates, dates for your diary and much more.

Slingsby Community Primary School is a place where we strive to provide a safe, supportive, nurturing and inclusive environment for all our pupils. All of our teachers and staff work extremely hard and are committed to providing your children with the best possible learning environment and high quality teaching.   

Our close links with the community strengthen the friendly, supportive and caring family atmosphere within the school and we follow our Slingsby  Values for Life, which provide us with the skills required throughout life.
Slingsby Community Primary School is a school to be proud of, a school where the children enjoy a varied way of learning, be that in lessons, school trips, joint schools sporting activities, visits from famous athletes, the police teaching them about online safety or the fire fighters about fire safety, all topped off with our annual school beach trip.
I look forward to working with you all,
Best Wishes,
Mr Tom Storrar
Chair of Governors

The Composition of the Governing Body

Name   Category Appointed By Date Appointed Term in Office

All our FGB Meetings consider all Governing Body responsibilities.

There are no sub committees.

Other Positions of Responsibility Business Interests * Relationships **
Mr Tom Storrar
Chair or Governors

Parent Governor & Child Protection/Safeguarding Governor 


Parent/Carer Governor Election

15.12.2020 4 Years
  • FGB
  • Child Protection/Safeguarding
  • Exclusion
  • School Development
  • Staff/Pupil Disciplinary
  • Communications
  • English
  • PE
  • French
  • Health& Safety
None Declared Parent
Mr Leigh Smith

Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

FGB 07.09.2020  
  •  FGB
  • Child Protection/Safeguarding
  • School Development
None Declared Head Teacher
Mrs Caroline Jordan
Staff Governor & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Staff 25.01.2024 4 Years
  • FGB
  • School Development
  • SEN
None Declared Teacher
Mrs Louise Hayes

LEA Governor 

FGB 15.04.2024 4 Years
  • FGB
  • SEN
  • Music
  • Art
  • Design & Technology 
  • Governor training
None Declared  
Mrs Joanna Breckon

Co-opted Governor

FGB  15.04.2024 4 Years
  • FGB
  • Computing
  • Science
  • EYFS
None Declared  
Mr Andrew Pope

Parent Governor

Parent/Carer Governor Election  18.03.2024 4 Years  

  • FGB
  • Maths
  • History
  • Geography
  • Finance
None Declared Parent


Consideration of Dormant or Resigned Governors

Name Stepped Down Date
Mrs Vicki Wilson  09.07.2020
Ms Kate Giles  10.07.2020
Miss Vicki Wray  17.07.2020
Mrs Sarah Rayner  17.07.2020
Mr Stephen Mortimer  18.12.2020
Ms Anna Louise Mason  09.10.2021
Mrs Sophie Wigby-Ashurst  12.07.2022
Mr Mark Cousins  30.11.2023
Mr Matthew Thompson  08.02.2024
Rev Douglas Robertson  22.05.2024

* Relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern ** any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives

FGB Attendance Report 2021-2022

FGB Attendance Report 2020-2021

FGB Attendance Report 2019-2020

What does being a School Governor involve?